Courses details


journalism and mass communications

Faculty of Social and Management Sciences - University of Buea


Application's conditions
  • GCEAL level or equivalent require
Minimal duration

3 years

  • 50 000 Fcfa for camerounians
  • 600 000 Fcfa for foreigners
Teaching Units (TU)
Department(s) Faculty TU's code TU's title Credits Observations
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences journalism and mass communications JMC 205 Mass Communication Theory 6 First semester
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences journalism and mass communications JMC 213 Effective Communication I 6 First semester
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences journalism and mass communications JMC 215 Basic News Writing 6 First semester
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences journalism and mass communications *** Minor or Elective 6 First semester
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences journalism and mass communications ENG 101 Use of English 2 First semester
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences journalism and mass communications FRE 101 Functional French I 2 First semester
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences journalism and mass communications SPT 100 Sports 2 First semester
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences journalism and mass communications JMC 214 Introduction to Advertising and PR 6 Second Semester
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences journalism and mass communications JMC 218 Introduction to Mass Comm. Research Methods 6 Second Semester
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences journalism and mass communications JMC 220 News Production 6 Second Semester
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences journalism and mass communications *** Minor or Elective 6 Second Semester
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences journalism and mass communications ENG 102 Use of English II 2 Second Semester
Faculty of Social and Management Sciences journalism and mass communications FRE 102 Functional French II 2 Second Semester
