Courses details


electrical technology

College of Technology - University of Buea


Application's conditions
  • GCEAL level or equivalent require
Minimal duration

3 years

  • 50 000 Fcfa for camerounians
  • 300 000 Fcfa for foreigners
Teaching Units (TU)
Department(s) Faculty TU's code TU's title Credits Observations
College of Technology electrical technology FRE 101 Functional French 1 2 First semester
College of Technology electrical technology ENG 101 Use Of English 1 2 First semester
College of Technology electrical technology EEC 205 Analogue Electronics 1 3 First semester
College of Technology electrical technology EEC 207 Circuit Analysis 4 First semester
College of Technology electrical technology EEC 209 Mathematics 1 3 First semester
College of Technology electrical technology EEC 211 Physics 1 3 First semester
College of Technology electrical technology EEC 213 Material Science 3 First semester
College of Technology electrical technology EEC 219 Computer Aided Design 4 First semester
College of Technology electrical technology EEC 221 Electrical Design And Drafting 1 3 First semester
College of Technology electrical technology CEC 207 Computer For Business 3 First semester
College of Technology electrical technology CVE 100 Civics And Moral Education 4 Second Semester
College of Technology electrical technology EEC 202 Introduction To Cameroon Government And Politics 2 Second Semester
College of Technology electrical technology EEC 204 Mathematics 2 3 Second Semester
College of Technology electrical technology EEC 206 Physics 2 3 Second Semester
College of Technology electrical technology EEC 208 Programming 1 4 Second Semester
College of Technology electrical technology CEC 210 Electro-Physics 3 Second Semester
College of Technology electrical technology EEC 232 Electric Circuit Theory 1 3 Second Semester
College of Technology electrical technology EEC 234 Electric Design And Drafting 2 4 Second Semester
College of Technology electrical technology EEC 236 Electric Machines 1 4 Second Semester
