Courses details


english Literature

Faculty of Arts - University of Buea


Application's conditions
  • GCEAL level or equivalent require
Minimal duration

3 years

  • 50000 Fcfa for camerounians
  • 300000 Fcfa for foreigners
Teaching Units (TU)
Department(s) Faculty TU's code TU's title Credits Observations
Faculty of Arts english Literature ENG227 Advanced Writing 6 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts english Literature LIT241 Introduction to Literature 6 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts english Literature LIT 203 Survey of English Literature to the Present 6 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts english Literature ENG 217 English Grammar and Usage 6 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts english Literature LIT xxx Elective 6 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts english Literature ENG 101 Use of English I 2 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts english Literature FRE 101 Use of English I 2 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts english Literature LIT 212 Survey of African literature 6 2. Semester
Faculty of Arts english Literature LIT 218 Survey of American literature 6 2. Semester
Faculty of Arts english Literature LIT206 Introduction to African Thoughts and Religion 6 2. Semester
Faculty of Arts english Literature LIT xxx Elective 6 2. Semester
Faculty of Arts english Literature ENG 102 Use of English II 2 2. Semester
Faculty of Arts english Literature FRE 102 Functional French II 2 2. Semester
