Courses details


biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance

National Higher Polytechnic Institute of Bambili - University of Bamenda


Application's conditions
  • Entrance exam
  • GCEAL level or equivalent require
Minimal duration

2 years

  • 50 000 Fcfa for camerounians
Teaching Units (TU)
Department(s) Faculty TU's code TU's title Credits Observations
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance FENG1101 Functional English I 2 1. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance SPTA1101 Sports 0 1. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance BFPE2101 Cell Biology 4 1. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance CHME2101 Chemistry for Engineers I 4 1. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance COME2101 Introduction to Computer Science 4 1. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance ENGE2101 Introduction to Engineering 2 1. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance MATE2101 Engineering Mathematics I 4 1. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance MECE2101 Engineering Mechanics I 4 1. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance MECE2102 Engineering Drawing I 4 1. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance EEEE2102 Linear Circuit Analysis 4 1. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance PHYE2101 Physics for Engineers I 4 1. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance CIVE1101 Civics and Ethics 2 2. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance FENG1202 Functional English II 2 2. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance BMEE2201 Human Anatomy and Physiology 4 2. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance BMEE2202 Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation 3 2. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance CHME2201 Chemistry for Engineers II 4 2. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance COME2201 Algorithm and Programming Languages 4 2. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance EEEE2201 Electrical and Electronic Measurement 3 2. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance MATE2201 Engineering Mathematics II 4 2. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance MECE2202 Engineering Drawing II 4 2. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance PHYE2201 Physics for Engineers II 4 2. Semester
National Higher Polytechnic Institute biomedical engineering and medical equipment maintenance BMEEE2200 Industrial Attachment I 1 2. Semester
