Détails de formation


art du spectacle

Faculté des Arts, Lettres et Sciences Humaines - Université de Bamenda


Conditions d'admission
  • BAC ou équivalent réquis
Durée minimale

3 ans

  • 50 000 Fcfa pour les nationaux
Unités d'Enseignement (UE)
Département(s) Filière(s) de formation Code de l'UE Intitulé de l'UE Crédit Observations
Faculty of Arts performing arts TTFA 2101 Introduction to Theatre, Television and Film 6 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts TTFA 2103 Introduction to theories of theatre, television and ?lm. 6 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts TTFA 2105 Initiation to Backstage Management 6 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts TTFA 2107 Script writing I 6 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts TTFA 2109 Introduction to Theatre, Television and Film Communication 6 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts TTFA 2111 Theatre and Film for Development 6 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts TTFA 2113 Introduction to Camera and Editing I 6 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts FENG 101 Functional English 2 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts FFRE 101 Functional French 2 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts CIVE 100 Civics, Logic and Ethics 2 1. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts TTFA 2202 Theatre, television and Film Production I 6 2. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts TTFA 2204 Cameroon and African Theatre/?lm 6 2. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts TTFA 2206 Acting for Theatre, Television and Film I 6 2. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts TTFA 2208 Directing for Stage and Camera I 6 2. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts TTFA 2210 Administration and Management in Theatre, Television and Film I 6 2. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts TTFA 2212 Lighting and Sound in Theatre, Television and Film 6 2. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts TTFA 2214 Theatre and Film for Young Audiences 6 2. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts FENG 102 Functional English 2 2. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts FFRE 102 Functional French 2 2. Semester
Faculty of Arts performing arts SPTS 100 Sports 0 2. Semester
